Saturday, August 29, 2020

memo 0
day 1: i imbed myself in an amazon facility toobserve and critique

memo1 - stop throwing away product

memo 2 - ergonometrics of the produce aisle

memo 4 - a hunble brag. my currilculum vitae,a 6 page resume

memo 5 a leave of absinthe. i take a month off to do a rough draft of this book. and read a few books about amazon

memo 6
mentors, mentees and manatees.
i'm not even sure there's a memo here

memo 7 a glossary - some amazon jargon explained.

memo 8 the 13 1/2 values, roadmap or hype?

memo 9 - iww, prayer circles, recruiting an empire.

memo 10 - vid and covid.

memo 11 - my life as an amazon consumer, reseller, and kindle author

memo 12- angling for promotion, apply for L3jobs

memo 13 proposal for a health care program

Amazon is a logistics company, an everything store, but what drives them is big data. 
So here's a modest proposal. They have a large number of employees. They could have an optional employment physical, with bloodwork and dna testing. This would be expensive, but also extremely valuable. It would improve employee safety. It would provide a valuable benefit to employees. For example, some employees have undiagnosed hepatitis C or HIV, life threatening diseases that can be managed with medication. 

Some had a genetic predisposition to certain cancers, suggesting followup screening for cancer. In the middle of a covid epidemic, this kind of attention to employee health only makes sense.

But meanwhile, they would be using their employees as guinea pigs, acquiring a treasure trove of big data.

There are two levels of implementation. Blue badges are permanent employees. White badges are temporary employees, with very high turnover. Some quit the first day, half quit the first month.
So the expense of doing a medical workup for these short term employees adds a large expense, but also gives a much larger datebase  of medical records.

Amazon tracks every minute of its employees' days, measuring productivity and absenteeism. This would be a unique opportunity to look for correlations with bloodwork and dna. It would be valuable to Amazon to be able to have some predictive guesses about how long a new employee is likely to stay employed, or if they are more or less likely to be productive. 
This is a brave new world approach which would draw criticism,
but the advantages to both employees and the company make it worth doing.

This is valuable in terms of personnel management, and would help amazon run its facilities more efficiently. But it they actually find correlations with a measurable rate of return, this could result in a new product line, as they export the techniques to other companies.

4:01 8/29/20   

wrote 1 page today. 

memo 14 investing - my 401k, tesla, amzn, etc.

memo 15 what is gemba? six sigma explained in 6 pages.

= = =

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